Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January Midland Messenger


Remember skate night is tonight at Classic Fun Center.  Entrance is free, and skate rental is $1.  Hope to see you there!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Family Skate Night

Mark your calendars and plan on joining Midland Elementary Weds. January 18th at Classic Fun Center for a Family Skate Night. Entrance is free.  Skate rental is $2 and there will be special offerings for food items.  Look for a flyer with all the details to come home with your panther next week.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Mark Your Calendars

Happy 2012! 
Here are a few important dates for you to calendar as you plan your new year.

Every second Tuesday of the month unless otherwise noted PTA holds a general meeting at 9:15am in the teachers lounge.  Everyone is invited.

January 12th Early Out
January 13th NO SCHOOL

January 18th Family Skate Night @ Classic Skating.  A fun night for panthers and their families.  $2 to skate and food specials.  Look for a flyer to come home with your child for further details.

Did you know that Box Tops have helped provide our school with things like PE equipment for our panthers?  Our goal this year is for every panther to bring in 4 box tops every month.  If we are able to meet our goal this year, we will be able to use the funds to replace pieces on the playground this summer.  Please help us meet our goal.  Ask friends, neighbors, grandparents and co-workers to cut out and save their Box Tops.  This is an easy and fun way to help Midland Elementary raise money from items you are alreadys using.  We need every panthers help.  We have until March to submit Box Tops for this year.